Applied Law Ethics For Health Professionals

Applied Law Ethics For Health Professionals Book in PDF, ePub and Kindle version is available to download in english. Read online anytime anywhere directly from your device. Click on the download button below to get a free pdf file of Applied Law Ethics For Health Professionals book. This book definitely worth reading, it is an incredibly well-written.

Applied Law & Ethics for Health Professionals

Author : Carla Caldwell Stanford,Valerie J. Connor
Publisher : Jones & Bartlett Learning
Page : 193 pages
File Size : 46,8 Mb
Release : 2019-02-01
Category : Medical
ISBN : 9781284155594

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Applied Law & Ethics for Health Professionals by Carla Caldwell Stanford,Valerie J. Connor Pdf

On a daily basis, healthcare professionals are faced with many ethical situations along with legal implications. Applied Law and Ethics for Health Professionals, Second Edition tackles ethical situations and the potential legal impacts that many healthcare professionals may face in their careers and asks them to consider their own personal values system and use reasoning skills to come to an informed outcome. Modern cases and topics are discussed, offering real-world ethical and legal accounts that may impact professionals in the field. As the text concludes, readers are again asked to gauge their growth, exploring their newly formed knowledge, values, and opinions on healthcare ethics.

Applied Law and Ethics in Health Care

Author : Wendy Mia Pardew
Publisher : Unknown
Page : 352 pages
File Size : 50,8 Mb
Release : 2022-03
Category : Electronic
ISBN : 0357623878

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Applied Law and Ethics in Health Care by Wendy Mia Pardew Pdf

Up to date with current information on the latest health care regulations and technology, APPLIED LAW AND ETHICS IN HEALTH CARE, First Edition, prepares you to navigate the legal and ethical dilemmas you may face as a health care professional working in a medical environment. Beginning with an overview of business-related issues and the court system, the text proceeds to cover the standard of care, employment, criminal and tortious acts, contractual issues, negligence, medical malpractice and other important matters of law. The second half of the text delves into the ethical concerns present in medical practices, including patient confidentiality, health records, professional ethics and issues associated with patient births and deaths. A practical resource for both novices and seasoned professionals, the text features real-life cases and news stories to ground you in relevant laws and ethical issues, along with activities to hone your own critical-thinking and decision-making skills. This thoughtful, thorough guide can help you understand your legal and ethical obligations, when to seek legal advice, how to work with the legal profession and how to protect yourself and your future employers from medical malpractice and other legal risks.

Ethics for Health Professionals

Author : Carla Caldwell Stanford,Valerie J. Connor
Publisher : Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Page : 228 pages
File Size : 40,8 Mb
Release : 2014
Category : Medical
ISBN : 9781449678326

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Ethics for Health Professionals by Carla Caldwell Stanford,Valerie J. Connor Pdf

Ethics for Health Professionals provides a foundational understanding of ethics for healthcare students and clinicians. With a conversational tone and features within each chapter that add to its appeal including quotes, interesting facts, case studies, and more, this indispensable text offers an enjoyable, eased reading style while supplying information that can be practically and easily put into practice once the student enters the field. Many ideals can also be carried over to one's personal life in terms of ethical principles and decision making. Pedagogical features include chapter objectives, boxed articles, quotes, case studies, key terms, chapter summary, assessment review questions. Website links are also included for additional reference. Students will learn basic information while develop a meaningful understanding of ethics, its importance and application in the world of health sciences. CONTENTS * Overview of the history of ethics * Blanchard and Peale's 3-step model * Ecological Model * Approaches to ethics * Applying ethics to the health care professional * Patient Care Partnership * Vulnerable Populations * Confidentiality * The Medical Record * Patients' rights under HIPAA and privacy standards * Ethics and the Workplace * Liability and Health Care * Matters of Life and Death Ethics for Health Professionals also covers additional contemporary topics in health care including: * Integrity in Research (Including conflict of interest and Institutional Review Boards) * Central Electronic Medical Record Registry * Stem Cell Research * Euthanasia, Abortion, Assisted Suicide * How to Choose a Reliable Website for Information Gathering

Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners - eBook

Author : Sonia Allan
Publisher : Elsevier Health Sciences
Page : 274 pages
File Size : 55,9 Mb
Release : 2019-10-15
Category : Medical
ISBN : 9780729587297

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Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners - eBook by Sonia Allan Pdf

Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners will appeal to undergraduate nursing and allied health students seeking to understand and comply with the legal, ethical and regulatory requirements of their profession. The text addresses law and ethics across eight health science disciplines, presenting discipline-specific scenarios to support students in their clinical decision making. Introduces the fundamental concepts and frameworks of Australia’s legal and health systems with clear examples Discusses essential healthcare issues, including advance care planning, child and elder abuse and professional registration Focuses on models of ethical decision making Outlines professional codes of practice and guidelines to help meet professional regulatory requirements Encourages reflection on clinical practice through review questions and activities Includes an eBook with all print purchases Additional resources on Evolve eBook on VitalSource Student and instructor resources Multiple choice questions Weblinks Instructor resources PowerPoints Image Library

Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals

Author : George D. Pozgar
Publisher : Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Page : 560 pages
File Size : 43,7 Mb
Release : 2014-12-03
Category : Business & Economics
ISBN : 9781284087314

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Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals by George D. Pozgar Pdf

Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals, Fourth Edition is a concise and practical guide to legal and ethical dilemmas facing healthcare professionals in the real-world today. Thoroughly updated and featuring new case studies, this dynamic text will help students to better understand the issues they will face on the job and the implications in the legal arena. With contemporary topics, real-world examples, and accessible language, this comprehensive text offers students an applied perspective and the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals provides an effective transition from the classroom to the reality of a clinical environment. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals, Fourth Edition provides the reader with a clear understanding of the law and ethics as they relate to health care dilemmas and the proper foundation to make good decisions in the delivery of patient care. The practical application of ethic

Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals

Author : George Pozgar,Nina Santucci
Publisher : Jones & Bartlett Learning
Page : 378 pages
File Size : 41,9 Mb
Release : 2007-01
Category : Business & Economics
ISBN : 076375238X

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Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals by George Pozgar,Nina Santucci Pdf

NOW AVAILABLE: Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals, Second Edition Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals is an important and practical guide to aide in the resolution of ethical dilemmas with legal implications. This comprehensive reference provides both the student and practicing health care professional with an overview of the ethical and legal issues that face healthcare providers today. The reader will better understand ethical dilemmas and learn how to evaluate and distinguish between the rightness and wrongness of alternative courses of action when faced with complicated problems to solve. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals includes a Student Note-Taking Guide, which is a great learning tool for students, providing them with a visual guide that follows the chapter topics presented in the textbook. This guide is the perfect place to write down questions, interesting ideas that you want to discuss with a study group, or reminders to go back and study a certain concept again to make sure that you have mastered it. Additional Cases Included! From the Preface: Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals is a comprehensive reference To The questions of right and wrong For The student and practicing health professional. This text will provide the reader with a strong foundation to build upon to help in the understanding of ethical dilemmas. The reader will learn how to evaluate and determine the rightness or wrongness of alternative courses of action when things are just not always what they seem. Ethics in the health care setting is about doing the right thing. it involves recognizing ethical dilemmas and appropriately addressing them. The purpose of this text is to provide both the student and practicing health care professional with an overview of the ethical and legal issues that face healthcare providers. The text: presents ethical and legal concepts in an easily understood format; reviews the basic principles of ethics And The law; provides insight into how ethics And The law are intertwined; provides an understanding as to how both ethics And The law permeate every aspect of the decision-making process in the health care setting; presents case studies to illustrate real life issues; guides students and caregivers to resources to help them practice more effectively within the boundaries of ethical principles and applicable laws; explores the use of ethics And The law to assist caregivers in resolving ethical conflicts and dilemmas; and, reviews an organizationrs"s boundaries as to what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. This book starts with the premise that to act in an ethical manner, means to engage in conduct according To The acceptable principles of right and wrong. The authorrs"s objective is to provide the reader with the background knowledge necessary to understand that ethics is a manner of using integrity based decisions in order to determine what actions need to be taken when faced with common health care dilemmas.

Ethics and Law for the Health Professions

Author : Ian Kerridge,Michael Lowe,Cameron Stewart
Publisher : Unknown
Page : 1208 pages
File Size : 52,8 Mb
Release : 2013
Category : Medical ethics
ISBN : 1862879095

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Ethics and Law for the Health Professions by Ian Kerridge,Michael Lowe,Cameron Stewart Pdf

Ethics and Law for the Health Professions is a cross-disciplinary medico-legal book, the first edition of which was widely used in the medical world. We believe it is also of immense use to the legal world when grappling with medico-legal issues. Its special features are its focus on a clinically-relevant approach and its recognition that health care professionals are often confronted with legal and ethical issues simultaneously. Health professionals have to satisfy both, and their legal advisers need to be aware of the dilemmas this can present. This book is careful to distinguish between ethics and law. Its chapters take account of all the health professions and their differing responsibilities, and the book covers a very wide range of the issues they face.

Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professions E-Book

Author : Elsevier
Publisher : Elsevier Health Sciences
Page : 224 pages
File Size : 51,8 Mb
Release : 2018-11-02
Category : Medical
ISBN : 9780323550338

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Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professions E-Book by Elsevier Pdf

With coverage of both legal and ethical issues, this text gives you the foundation to handle common health care challenges in everyday practice. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professions, 4th Edition includes practice cases specifically developed for key allied health programs along with enhanced pedagogical content. Additionally, it features a variety of exercises to help reinforce content from the book, as well as updated coverage of medical records, privacy, patient consent and abuse, the impact of interprofessional team work, and key industry trends. Detailed coverage of current legal and ethical issues and case law help facilitate interesting and relevant discussions. What If? boxes present ethical dilemmas and help you apply concepts from the book to real-life examples. Specialty practice cases provide practical application for specialties (Medical Assisting, MIBC, Pharm Tech, etc.) and help you relate your experience with practice. Increased coverage of the impact of interprofessional teamwork demonstrates the impact ethics have on health care work. NEW! Two all new chapters covering Medical Records and Key Trends in Healthcare. NEW! Enhanced coverage of patient consent and abuse outlines what students need to know about what’s right and wrong when working with patients. NEW! Updated case studies discuss the issues faced in a variety of healthcare settings.

Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals

Author : George D. Pozgar
Publisher : Jones & Bartlett Learning
Page : 464 pages
File Size : 48,7 Mb
Release : 2019-01-07
Category : Medical
ISBN : 9781284144185

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Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals by George D. Pozgar Pdf

Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals, Fifth Edition is a concise and practical guide to legal and ethical dilemmas facing healthcare professionals in the real-world today. Thoroughly updated and featuring new case studies, this dynamic text will help students to better understand the issues they will face on the job and the implications in the legal arena. With contemporary topics, real-world examples, and accessible language, this comprehensive text offers students an applied perspective and the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals provides an effective transition from the classroom to the reality of a clinical environment.

Law, Ethics, & Bioethics for the Health Professions

Author : Marcia A Lewis,Carol D Tamparo,Brenda M Tatro
Publisher : F.A. Davis
Page : 288 pages
File Size : 41,6 Mb
Release : 2012-02-07
Category : Medical
ISBN : 9780803630307

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Law, Ethics, & Bioethics for the Health Professions by Marcia A Lewis,Carol D Tamparo,Brenda M Tatro Pdf

Now in its Seventh Edition and in vivid full-color, this groundbreaking book continues to champion the “Have a Care” approach, while also providing readers with a strong ethical and legal foundation that enables them to better serve their clients. The book addresses all major issues facing healthcare professionals today, including legal concerns, important ethical issues, and the emerging area of bioethics.

Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals

Author : George D. Pozgar
Publisher : Jones & Bartlett Learning
Page : 464 pages
File Size : 44,5 Mb
Release : 2019-01-07
Category : Medical
ISBN : 9781284177268

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Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals by George D. Pozgar Pdf

Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals, Fifth Edition is a concise and practical guide to legal and ethical dilemmas facing healthcare professionals in the real-world today. Thoroughly updated and featuring new case studies, this dynamic text will help students to better understand the issues they will face on the job and the implications in the legal arena. With contemporary topics, real-world examples, and accessible language, this comprehensive text offers students an applied perspective and the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals provides an effective transition from the classroom to the reality of a clinical environment.

Applied Paramedic Law and Ethics

Author : Ruth Townsend,Morgan Luck
Publisher : Elsevier Health Sciences
Page : 362 pages
File Size : 55,9 Mb
Release : 2012-09-15
Category : Medical
ISBN : 9780729581349

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Applied Paramedic Law and Ethics by Ruth Townsend,Morgan Luck Pdf

A fundamental local law text for undergraduate paramedics in Australia and New Zealand. Applied Paramedic Law and Ethics Australia and New Zealand is the first of its kind to bring together legal and ethical concepts specifically for the Australian and New Zealand paramedic profession. An indispensable guide for student paramedics, Applied Paramedic Law and Ethics Australia and New Zealand promotes the understanding of ethical principles and legal regulations through realistic scenarios and extensive case studies, which are available both in the book and on Elsevier's Evolve platform. The book includes Australian state-specific legislation and local case law, and there is a chapter devoted specifically to the New Zealand paramedic service. This excellent law textbook focuses on the essential concepts and skills local paramedics need to respond to life-threatening emergencies in often-unfamiliar environments. For paramedics to determine the best course of action in any situation they need an intimate understanding of the profession's code of conduct and current legal regulations. In its attention to key areas such as consent, negligence, child protection, mental health and record-keeping Applied Paramedic Law and Ethics Australia and New Zealand proves a fundamental resource for the undergraduate paramedic course in Australia and New Zealand. The textbook's 13 comprehensive chapters are written in a clear, engaging style ideal for undergraduate paramedic students as well as ambulance service volunteers and practicing paramedics. - Over 60 paramedic-specific scenarios - Relevant case law discussed - Suitable for the undergraduate course in Paramedic Law and Ethics - Provides a clear ethical decision-making model for paramedics Key supporting features available on the Evolve platform: - Multiple choice, short answer and essay questions - Case studies - Image collection - Additional instructor resources including PowerPoints and further case studies

Ethics, Law and Professional Issues

Author : Ann Gallagher,Sue Hodge
Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing
Page : 145 pages
File Size : 53,6 Mb
Release : 2012-03-22
Category : Medical
ISBN : 9781350310728

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Ethics, Law and Professional Issues by Ann Gallagher,Sue Hodge Pdf

This practice-based textbook explores the ethical, legal and professional issues that characterise the field of healthcare. From seeking consent to upholding patient confidentiality, it examines a broad range of professional dilemmas from everyday practice. Detailed scenarios and engaging discussions help the reader understand how best to balance ethics, the law and professional codes of conduct in order to provide the best standards of care. Whether studying on an undergraduate nursing, midwifery or healthcare related programme or an experienced practitioner, this is essential resource for people working in healthcare looking to develop an ethically, legally and professionally sound approach to practice.

Law & Ethics for Health Professions

Author : Karen Judson,Carlene Harrison
Publisher : Unknown
Page : 128 pages
File Size : 55,5 Mb
Release : 2021
Category : Electronic books
ISBN : 1260476731

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Law & Ethics for Health Professions by Karen Judson,Carlene Harrison Pdf