How To Understand Quantum Mechanics

How To Understand Quantum Mechanics Book in PDF, ePub and Kindle version is available to download in english. Read online anytime anywhere directly from your device. Click on the download button below to get a free pdf file of How To Understand Quantum Mechanics book. This book definitely worth reading, it is an incredibly well-written.

How to Understand Quantum Mechanics

Author : John P. Ralston
Publisher : Morgan & Claypool Publishers
Page : 223 pages
File Size : 44,6 Mb
Release : 2018-05-08
Category : Science
ISBN : 9781681742267

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How to Understand Quantum Mechanics by John P. Ralston Pdf

How to Understand Quantum Mechanics presents an accessible introduction to understanding quantum mechanics in a natural and intuitive way, which was advocated by Erwin Schroedinger and Albert Einstein. A theoretical physicist reveals dozens of easy tricks that avoid long calculations, makes complicated things simple, and bypasses the worthless anguish of famous scientists who died in angst. The author's approach is light-hearted, and the book is written to be read without equations, however all relevant equations still appear with explanations as to what they mean. The book entertainingly rejects quantum disinformation, the MKS unit system (obsolete), pompous non-explanations, pompous people, the hoax of the 'uncertainty principle' (it is just a math relation), and the accumulated junk-DNA that got into the quantum operating system by misreporting it. The order of presentation is new and also unique by warning about traps to be avoided, while separating topics such as quantum probability to let the Schroedinger equation be appreciated in the simplest way on its own terms. This is also the first book on quantum theory that is not based on arbitrary and confusing axioms or foundation principles. The author is so unprincipled he shows where obsolete principles duplicated basic math facts, became redundant, and sometimes were just pawns in academic turf wars. The book has many original topics not found elsewhere, and completely researched references to original historical sources and anecdotes concerting the unrecognized scientists who actually did discover things, did not all get Nobel prizes, and yet had interesting productive lives.

Do We Really Understand Quantum Mechanics?

Author : Franck Laloë
Publisher : Cambridge University Press
Page : 409 pages
File Size : 50,8 Mb
Release : 2012-08-30
Category : Science
ISBN : 9781107025011

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Do We Really Understand Quantum Mechanics? by Franck Laloë Pdf

Gives an overview of the quantum theory and its main interpretations. Ideal for researchers in physics and mathematics.

Understanding Quantum Mechanics

Author : Roland Omnès
Publisher : Princeton University Press
Page : 326 pages
File Size : 43,6 Mb
Release : 2020-12-08
Category : Science
ISBN : 9780691221922

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Understanding Quantum Mechanics by Roland Omnès Pdf

Here Roland Omnès offers a clear, up-to-date guide to the conceptual framework of quantum mechanics. In an area that has provoked much philosophical debate, Omnès has achieved high recognition for his Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (Princeton 1994), a book for specialists. Now the author has transformed his own theory into a short and readable text that enables beginning students and experienced physicists, mathematicians, and philosophers to form a comprehensive picture of the field while learning about the most recent advances. This new book presents a more streamlined version of the Copenhagen interpretation, showing its logical consistency and completeness. The problem of measurement is a major area of inquiry, with the author surveying its history from Planck to Heisenberg before describing the consistent-histories interpretation. He draws upon the most recent research on the decoherence effect (related to the modern resolution of the famous Schrödinger's cat problem) and an exact formulation of the correspondence between quantum and particle physics (implying a derivation of classical determinism from quantum probabilism). Interpretation is organized with the help of a universal and sound language using so-called consistent histories. As a language and a method, it can now be shown to be free of ambiguity and it makes interpretation much clearer and closer to common sense.

What Is Real?

Author : Adam Becker
Publisher : Basic Books
Page : 418 pages
File Size : 44,9 Mb
Release : 2018-03-20
Category : Science
ISBN : 9780465096060

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What Is Real? by Adam Becker Pdf

"A thorough, illuminating exploration of the most consequential controversy raging in modern science." --New York Times Book Review An Editor's Choice, New York Times Book Review Longlisted for PEN/E.O. Wilson Prize for Literary Science Writing Longlisted for Goodreads Choice Award Every physicist agrees quantum mechanics is among humanity's finest scientific achievements. But ask what it means, and the result will be a brawl. For a century, most physicists have followed Niels Bohr's solipsistic and poorly reasoned Copenhagen interpretation. Indeed, questioning it has long meant professional ruin, yet some daring physicists, such as John Bell, David Bohm, and Hugh Everett, persisted in seeking the true meaning of quantum mechanics. What Is Real? is the gripping story of this battle of ideas and the courageous scientists who dared to stand up for truth. "An excellent, accessible account." --Wall Street Journal "Splendid. . . . Deeply detailed research, accompanied by charming anecdotes about the scientists." --Washington Post


Author : Jim Al-Khalili
Publisher : Weidenfeld & Nicolson
Page : 330 pages
File Size : 47,7 Mb
Release : 2012-10-25
Category : Science
ISBN : 9781780225340

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Quantum by Jim Al-Khalili Pdf

From Schrodinger's cat to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, this book untangles the weirdness of the quantum world. Quantum mechanics underpins modern science and provides us with a blueprint for reality itself. And yet it has been said that if you're not shocked by it, you don't understand it. But is quantum physics really so unknowable? Is reality really so strange? And just how can cats be half-alive and half-dead at the same time? Our journey into the quantum begins with nature's own conjuring trick, in which we discover that atoms -- contrary to the rules of everyday experience -- can exist in two locations at once. To understand this we travel back to the dawn of the twentieth century and witness the birth of quantum theory, which over the next one hundred years was to overthrow so many of our deeply held notions about the nature of our universe. Scientists and philosophers have been left grappling with its implications every since.

Understanding Our Unseen Reality: Solving Quantum Riddles

Author : Ruth E Kastner
Publisher : World Scientific
Page : 249 pages
File Size : 54,5 Mb
Release : 2015-02-26
Category : Science
ISBN : 9781783266487

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Understanding Our Unseen Reality: Solving Quantum Riddles by Ruth E Kastner Pdf

This captivating book presents a new, unified picture of the everyday world around us. It provides rational, scientific support for the idea that there may well be more to our reality than meets the eye…Accessible and engaging for readers with no prior knowledge of quantum physics, author Ruth Kastner draws on the popular transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics to explain our ‘quantum reality.’ Her book focuses on modern-day examples and deals with big philosophical questions as well as ideas from physics.If you have any interest in quantum physics, this book is for you — whether you be a physics student or academic, or simply an inquisitive reader who wants to delve deeper into the reality of the world around you. Dr Ruth Kastner has received two National Science Foundation awards for the study of interpretational issues in quantum theory.

Beyond Weird

Author : Philip Ball
Publisher : University of Chicago Press
Page : 382 pages
File Size : 45,7 Mb
Release : 2018-10-18
Category : Science
ISBN : 9780226558387

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Beyond Weird by Philip Ball Pdf

“Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it.” Since Niels Bohr said this many years ago, quantum mechanics has only been getting more shocking. We now realize that it’s not really telling us that “weird” things happen out of sight, on the tiniest level, in the atomic world: rather, everything is quantum. But if quantum mechanics is correct, what seems obvious and right in our everyday world is built on foundations that don’t seem obvious or right at all—or even possible. An exhilarating tour of the contemporary quantum landscape, Beyond Weird is a book about what quantum physics really means—and what it doesn’t. Science writer Philip Ball offers an up-to-date, accessible account of the quest to come to grips with the most fundamental theory of physical reality, and to explain how its counterintuitive principles underpin the world we experience. Over the past decade it has become clear that quantum physics is less a theory about particles and waves, uncertainty and fuzziness, than a theory about information and knowledge—about what can be known, and how we can know it. Discoveries and experiments over the past few decades have called into question the meanings and limits of space and time, cause and effect, and, ultimately, of knowledge itself. The quantum world Ball shows us isn’t a different world. It is our world, and if anything deserves to be called “weird,” it’s us.

The Quantum Universe

Author : Brian Cox,Jeff Forshaw
Publisher : Hachette UK
Page : 272 pages
File Size : 47,6 Mb
Release : 2012-01-31
Category : Science
ISBN : 9780306820601

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The Quantum Universe by Brian Cox,Jeff Forshaw Pdf

International bestselling authors Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw's fascinating, entertaining, and clear introduction to quantum mechanics In The Quantum Universe, Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw approach the world of quantum mechanics in the same way they did in Why Does E=mc2? and make fundamental scientific principles accessible-and fascinating-to everyone.The subatomic realm has a reputation for weirdness, spawning any number of profound misunderstandings, journeys into Eastern mysticism, and woolly pronouncements on the interconnectedness of all things. Cox and Forshaw's contention? There is no need for quantum mechanics to be viewed this way. There is a lot of mileage in the "weirdness" of the quantum world, and it often leads to confusion and, frankly, bad science. The Quantum Universe cuts through the Wu Li and asks what observations of the natural world made it necessary, how it was constructed, and why we are confident that, for all its apparent strangeness, it is a good theory. The quantum mechanics of The Quantum Universe provide a concrete model of nature that is comparable in its essence to Newton's laws of motion, Maxwell's theory of electricity and magnetism, and Einstein's theory of relativity.

A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics

Author : John S. Townsend
Publisher : University Science Books
Page : 498 pages
File Size : 45,9 Mb
Release : 2000
Category : Science
ISBN : 1891389130

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A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics by John S. Townsend Pdf

Inspired by Richard Feynman and J.J. Sakurai, A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics allows lecturers to expose their undergraduates to Feynman's approach to quantum mechanics while simultaneously giving them a textbook that is well-ordered, logical and pedagogically sound. This book covers all the topics that are typically presented in a standard upper-level course in quantum mechanics, but its teaching approach is new. Rather than organizing his book according to the historical development of the field and jumping into a mathematical discussion of wave mechanics, Townsend begins his book with the quantum mechanics of spin. Thus, the first five chapters of the book succeed in laying out the fundamentals of quantum mechanics with little or no wave mechanics, so the physics is not obscured by mathematics. Starting with spin systems it gives students straightfoward examples of the structure of quantum mechanics. When wave mechanics is introduced later, students should perceive it correctly as only one aspect of quantum mechanics and not the core of the subject.

Quantum Mechanics

Author : Shabnam Siddiqui
Publisher : CRC Press
Page : 240 pages
File Size : 52,7 Mb
Release : 2018-10-10
Category : Science
ISBN : 9781351840040

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Quantum Mechanics by Shabnam Siddiqui Pdf

Quantum mechanics is one of the most challenging subjects to learn. It is challenging because quantum phenomenon is counterintuitive, and the mathematics used to explain such a phenomenon is very abstract, and difficult to grasp. This textbook is an attempt to overcome these challenges. Every chapter presents quantum ideas step- by- step in a structured way with a comparison between quantum and classical concepts. It provides a clear distinction between classical and quantum logic. Conceptual questions are provided after every important section so that the reader can test their understanding at every step. Such an approach aids in preventing misconceptions. Problem solving is not restricted to solving differential equations and integration. But it requires to systematically and creatively analyze a problem, to apply the new and powerful concepts for finding a solution and to understand the physical meaning of the solution. The tutorials on special topics are an effort to teach problem solving by actively engaging the reader in a thinking process, to apply the concepts and to understand the physical meaning of the solution. The simulations are provided for some of the topics. The simulations aid in the visualization of the quantum phenomenon, and for meaningful understanding of the mathematics. This approach may lead to development of "quantum mechanical intuition "as well as learning mathematical techniques for problem solving. Most importantly, the book is not flooded with numerous topics that makes the reader confused and distracted, rather the most important topics are discussed at a deeper level. The understanding of quantum mechanics is incomplete without understanding the early ideas and experiments that lead to the development of the quantum theory. Thus, the first two chapters of the book are dedicated to such topics. The key features of this book are: A simplified, structured, and step-by-step introduction to quantum mechanics. The simplification is attained through use of two-level system, step- by- step discussion of important topics in a simplified language at a deeper level, analogies, and visualization using illustrations and simulations A systematic arrangement of topics, and numerous worked- out examples. The presentation of the structure in the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics provides clarity in understanding complicated and abstract mathematics. It also helps to understand the distinction between the quantum mechanical and classical approaches Conceptual questions at the end of every important section. The conceptual questions can be used in a classroom as a point of discussion between an instructor and students Tutorials on special topics. Simulations on special topics aid in the visualization of the physical phenomenon, and demonstration of the application of mathematics An in-depth discussion of the wave-particle duality, measurement problem, and their philosophical implications in Chapter 2 provides an understanding of the broader meaning of quantum mechanics

Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

Author : Travis Norsen
Publisher : Springer
Page : 316 pages
File Size : 44,8 Mb
Release : 2017-08-17
Category : Science
ISBN : 9783319658674

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Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by Travis Norsen Pdf

Authored by an acclaimed teacher of quantum physics and philosophy, this textbook pays special attention to the aspects that many courses sweep under the carpet. Traditional courses in quantum mechanics teach students how to use the quantum formalism to make calculations. But even the best students - indeed, especially the best students - emerge rather confused about what, exactly, the theory says is going on, physically, in microscopic systems. This supplementary textbook is designed to help such students understand that they are not alone in their confusions (luminaries such as Albert Einstein, Erwin Schroedinger, and John Stewart Bell having shared them), to sharpen their understanding of the most important difficulties associated with interpreting quantum theory in a realistic manner, and to introduce them to the most promising attempts to formulate the theory in a way that is physically clear and coherent. The text is accessible to students with at least one semester of prior exposure to quantum (or "modern") physics and includes over a hundred engaging end-of-chapter "Projects" that make the book suitable for either a traditional classroom or for self-study.

The Theoretical Minimum

Author : Leonard Susskind,George Hrabovsky
Publisher : Basic Books
Page : 165 pages
File Size : 55,8 Mb
Release : 2014-04-22
Category : Education
ISBN : 9780465038923

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The Theoretical Minimum by Leonard Susskind,George Hrabovsky Pdf

A master teacher presents the ultimate introduction to classical mechanics for people who are serious about learning physics "Beautifully clear explanations of famously 'difficult' things," -- Wall Street Journal If you ever regretted not taking physics in college -- or simply want to know how to think like a physicist -- this is the book for you. In this bestselling introduction to classical mechanics, physicist Leonard Susskind and hacker-scientist George Hrabovsky offer a first course in physics and associated math for the ardent amateur. Challenging, lucid, and concise, The Theoretical Minimum provides a tool kit for amateur scientists to learn physics at their own pace.


Author : Edwin Hines
Publisher : Unknown
Page : 112 pages
File Size : 55,7 Mb
Release : 2022-08-06
Category : Science
ISBN : 8210379456XXX

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⭐Do you want to learn about quantum physics but don’t know how to get started? If yes, then keep reading! Get Ready to Discover the secrets of the universe with this practical, user-friendly guide to Quantum Physics!⭐ Quantum Physics is the study of how the smallest parts of matter behave on a microscopic level. One major concern in Quantum Physics is predicting what we see on a macroscopic level. This is done by using quantum mechanics, which considers the parts that are too small to measure. Whenever something interacts with another object, such as when an atom or photon impacts another particle, it transfers some energy from its original state to its new state. This energy that is transferred from a Quantum's original state to its new state is called quantum energy, or E-Q. Inside this ultimate guide, you’ll discover: What Is Quantum Physics And Quantum Mechanics? How Was Quantum Physics Discovered? What Are Particles Of Light? Principle Of Uncertainty The Schrodinger’s Cat Quantum Possibilities And Waves "Dark Body" Spectrum Understanding The Curve Of The Black Body An Introduction To The Strings Theory Made Easy For Beginners The Black Holes ...and much more! Even if you think it's too complex a subject, you don't need to be a scientist or mathematician to appreciate the world of quantum physics. This book is intended to reveal to you the incredible universal laws that govern reality by reducing complexity and math to a minimum. So don't be scared of complex math, as this Quantum Physics for Beginners book is for you! This definitive guide will take you by the hand and help you enter the world of quantum physics in an easy way. ⭐Your friends will be impressed by your knowledge of these concepts that are so complex for ordinary people!⭐ Are you ready to dive into the world of quantum physics and get started? Then scroll up and click the BUY NOW button!

Understanding Quantum Physics

Author : Michael A. Morrison
Publisher : Addison-Wesley Professional
Page : 696 pages
File Size : 51,9 Mb
Release : 1990
Category : Science
ISBN : UOM:39015059098759

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Understanding Quantum Physics by Michael A. Morrison Pdf

Written in an informal yet substantive style that is a joy to read, this book provides a uniquely engaging, in-depth introduction to the concepts of quantum physics and their practical implementation, and is filled with clear, thorough explanations that help readers develop insight into physical ideas and master techniques of problem-solving using quantum mechanics. Fully explores the concepts and strategies of quantum mechanics, showing the connections among the physical concepts that govern the atomic and sub-atomic domain of matter, and examining how these concepts manifest themselves in the mathematical machinery of quantum mechanics. Focuses on the explanations and motivations of the postulates that underlie the machinery of quantum mechanics, and applies simple, single-particle systems in one dimension. Illuminates discussions of ideas and techniques with a multitude of examples that show not just the answers but also the reasoning behind them, and adds dimension to the subject with historical, biographical and philosophical references throughout. Designed for a wide range of readers interested in various branches of physics and engineering physics.

Quantum Aspects of Life

Author : Abbott
Publisher : Imperial College Press
Page : 469 pages
File Size : 46,9 Mb
Release : 2008
Category : Science
ISBN : 9781848162556

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Quantum Aspects of Life by Abbott Pdf

This book presents the hotly debated question of whether quantum mechanics plays a non-trivial role in biology. In a timely way, it sets out a distinct quantum biology agenda. The burgeoning fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology, quantum technology, and quantum information processing are now strongly converging. The acronym BINS, for Bio-Info-Nano-Systems, has been coined to describe the synergetic interface of these several disciplines. The living cell is an information replicating and processing system that is replete with naturally-evolved nanomachines, which at some level require a quantum mechanical description. As quantum engineering and nanotechnology meet, increasing use will be made of biological structures, or hybrids of biological and fabricated systems, for producing novel devices for information storage and processing and other tasks. An understanding of these systems at a quantum mechanical level will be indispensable.