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Author : 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版
Publisher : 遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司
Page : 168 pages
File Size : 54,6 Mb
Release : 2015-09-01
Category : Electronic
ISBN : 8210379456XXX

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哈佛商業評論2015年9月號 by 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版 Pdf

設計,不只如此 設計思維,原本屬於美學的範疇,最近許多大企業卻把它用於推動新方案、規畫新策略,甚至改造企業文化。這是由於設計過程中所運用的方法,提供了企業一個有趣的、直覺式的、化繁為簡的介面,讓組織更容易轉型。當前,許多企業必須從產品轉向服務、從硬體邁向軟體,或是從實體產品轉為數位產品,設計思維恰可扮演重要角色。 哪些設計思維可用於企業轉型呢?首先,是設計師最需要的同理心。不僅產品設計需要創造美好體驗,行銷人員、制定策略的主管、每一個要面對客戶的部門,都要運用同理心創造美好的顧客體驗。其次,是像設計師一樣製作出產品的原型,讓大家針對原型討論缺失,以提出更好的解決方案。原型可以是實體,也可以用數位或圖表的方式呈現。當然,設計過程中需要接受風險和容忍失敗,在轉型時也是絕對需要的(見〈進入設計思維年代〉)。 帶領百事公司九年,使得營收持續成長的執行長盧英德(Indra Nooyi),在本期中接受本刊英文版集團總編輯亞迪(Adi Ignatius)專訪,也提到她正致力用設計思維來改造百事公司的企業文化。她特地延攬知名設計大師波契尼(Mauro Porcini),出任百事公司第一位設計長,目前,百事公司的每項重要決策,從產品的概念、包裝、在貨架上的呈現、到消費者購買產品後的體驗,都會納入設計的考量。盧英德在訪談最後提醒讀者,每天早上醒來時,應懷著一種正向的恐懼感,惕勵自己更快、更靈活地跟上世界的改變。設計思維,正是她本人和百事公司靈活應變的祕密武器(見〈化設計思維為策略〉)。 韓國的三星電子是另一個藉由打造設計能力,讓公司脫胎換骨的例子。二十年前,三星和台灣許多企業一樣,從事廉價、仿製的代工。到了1996 年,會長李健熙決心打造創新的能力,讓三星成為世界頂尖的品牌;而聚焦在設計的文化,正可支援三星想締造的世界級創新。對於代工起家的三星,這個過程自然是歷經艱辛。然而,如今不論從任何標準來看,這個目標都已達成。三星的創新團隊成員包括設計師、工程師、行銷人員、民族誌學者、音樂家、作家等,他們一起找出未被發掘的市場需求;公司在設計上獲獎的數目超過許多對手;Galaxy Note 系列為智慧型手機創立一個新類別,平板手機引起對手紛紛仿效(見〈三星的設計王者之路〉)。 傳承對世界各地的家族企業而言,都是嚴峻的挑戰。本期繁體中文版訪問到瑞士洛桑管理學院研究家族企業的伯諾伊.羅魯克(Benoit F. Leleux)教授,說明成功的家族企業,是用什麼方式治理家族企業。台灣董事學會發起人蔡鴻青也於本期說明,在華人的文化中,家族治理如何發揮功能。


Author : 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版
Publisher : 遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司
Page : 186 pages
File Size : 50,6 Mb
Release : 2015-11-01
Category : Electronic
ISBN : 8210379456XXX

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哈佛商業評論2015年11月號 by 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版 Pdf

尋找最佳領導人 本期最引人矚目的,莫過於年度全球執行長100 強的調查結果。有別於其他財經媒體著重短期,這項調查衡量執行長在位的長期財務表現,今年更融入了企業在環境保護、社會責任、公司治理方面的評分(ESG 分數),期望在當前急功近利的氛圍下,提供清新的領導典範。 這次奪冠的是丹麥製藥巨擘諾和諾德執行長索倫森(Lars Rebien Sorensen)。這家公司眼見近幾年全球糖尿病患者人數攀升,決定聚焦在糖尿病的藥物研發,並以很大的折扣供給開發中國家患者使用,這項決策帶給諾和諾德極佳的營收,連帶也使它在本次社會責任方面獲得高分,最後榮獲第一。索倫森在接受本刊英文版集團總編輯伊格納西斯專訪時,談到他不同於其他領導人的北歐式領導風格,比如專注在糖尿病治療,而不像許多大企業走向多角化經營;強調共識與團結,而非英雄主義;他個人則屬於待遇最低執行長的一群。前兩年蟬聯冠軍的亞馬遜執行長貝佐斯,則因ESG 的分數偏低,拉下了原本仍居第一名的財務評分,落到第87 名。台灣企業家唯一上榜的,是第33 名的鴻海董事長郭台銘,為這次少數上榜的亞洲企業家(見〈2015:全球執行長100 強〉)。台大柯承恩教授和李吉仁教授分別從不同角度,來談這份榜單給台灣企業何種啟示。 大數據現在成了行銷人員的利器。有企業運用大數據,找出引發顧客情緒的動機,像是想要獲得歸屬感、安全感、自由感、成就感等,然後以這些動機為基礎,來擬訂行銷策略與顧客體驗機會。這種做法成為企業成長和獲利的新來源(見〈理性大數據連結感性〉)。另外,很重要的一點是,在運用大數據做行銷時,千萬不要只顧著大量發送各種促銷訊息,而忽略了經營長期品牌。前第一資本公司(Capital One)的資深行銷副總、現任好時公司(Hersey)行銷長的霍斯特(Peter Horst)在本期中回顧他的慘痛經驗,原本以數據分析見長的第一資本,最後只讓顧客記得一件事:「這家公司寄給我許多郵件。」品牌完全被資訊埋沒了。他建議每個給客戶的訊息,都要執行建立品牌和短期促銷的雙重任務(見〈只見大數據不見品牌〉)。台大謝明慧教授和奧美張志浩董事總經理也於本期說明,台灣企業運用數位工具做行銷和品牌的契機和挑戰。 如何因應「破壞式創新」,總是令企業領導人困惑。太早或太晚進入,都不恰當。目前有些企業已發展出幾種新舊技術的混合模式,油電混合車便是一例,豐田的普瑞斯(Prius)車款便是這類車。這些模式可延長企業的既有優勢,又不會錯過未來的技術,值得企業參考(見〈駕馭破壞式創新〉)。


Author : 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版
Publisher : 遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司
Page : 148 pages
File Size : 51,8 Mb
Release : 2016-06-01
Category : Electronic
ISBN : 8210379456XXX

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哈佛商業評論2016年6月號 by 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版 Pdf

領導群英逆轉勝 智利聖荷西銅礦場2010年8月的坍塌事件,大家應記憶猶新。當時,33 名礦工陷在2300 呎的地底深處,專家估計救出這群礦工的機率低於1%。但在救援小組組長安德烈.蘇加瑞的領導下,來自不同國家、領域的專家,在極大的時間壓力下,共同挑戰高難度的技術問題,不斷測試各種激進的創新,終於在69 天後,全數救出33 名礦工。這是一個多元團隊發揮力量、完成不可能任務的完美典範。當今經理人所面對的局勢,正如同坍塌的智利礦場一樣複雜艱困,需要來自不同領域、國家的專家團隊,才得以解決許多棘手問題。這期雜誌即探討如何建立、管理愈來愈重要的團隊。 要凝聚背景各異的團隊成員,第一步要建立願景,以便產生共識。而願景的形塑,必須夠清晰,又可隨著局勢變動而調整。以智利災變礦場的救援小組為例,一開始的願景是「讓礦工活著回家」,但當挖掘工作變得更加困難、受困礦工的資源更稀少時,小組的願景可能改為「把遺體交給家人」,一樣激勵小組完成使命。此外,促成團隊共享知識也是非常重要的。來自不同領域的專家,可能因為不熟悉對方的專業而無法推展工作,領導人應該安排例行性的會議,或提供數位平台等工具,讓成員及時進行跨領域的學習(見〈合力終結棘手問題〉)。在團隊中,衝突在所難免,若能讓大家在事前先溝通,了解彼此間的歧異,讓衝突浮現,並化解,會比等到衝突已對團隊造成傷害才挽救好得多。(見〈幫衝突打預防針〉)。 併購在過去幾年蔚為風潮,企業不論是為了要達到成長、創新、全球化等目標,都會採取併購的方式。然而,併購要成功並不容易,據統計,70%到90%的併購案都以失敗收場。本期探討這個問題的原因。原來,大部分企業都期望從併購對象獲得好處;但若反過來,思考自己可以如何幫被併購企業增加價值,最後反而能從整宗併購案獲利。以Google 為例,它在2005 年,以五千萬美元購買Android,並且將自己強大的軟體能力移轉給Android,因此得以在智慧型手機作業系統,擁有最高的市占率(見〈完成超完美併購〉)。我們也訪談了眾達法律事務所黃日燦律師,以及暨南大學林霖教授,說明這個觀點給台灣企業的啟示。 以往,職場人士隨時待命、全心工作,退休後即完全告別職業生涯,但現在,這樣的職涯規畫已不合時宜了。不論是在職或退休,許多人刻意模糊工作與生活的分野。他們在職時,安排職場外多元的私人活動,退休後,仍運用自己的專技,參與一些彈性工作計畫,或貢獻於非營利單位。藉此,他們永續經營自己豐富而平衡的生活(見〈辦公室不是你家〉、〈事業退休才開始〉)。


Author : 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版
Publisher : 遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司
Page : 166 pages
File Size : 54,7 Mb
Release : 2007-08-01
Category : Electronic
ISBN : 8210379456XXX

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哈佛商業評論2007年8月號 by 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版 Pdf

領導人最後的試煉 本刊元月號以「領導人的試煉」為主題製作的專刊,討論新手領導人最初的考驗,以及如何蛻變成長為成熟的領導人。那麼,領導人最後的試煉是什麼呢?恐怕是在領導人卸任之後才開始。 領導人最後的試煉,在於他是否挑選或培養對的接班人,接班人是否能繼續帶領組織創造更好的成績。唯有接班人順利接棒,領導人才能為自己畫下圓滿的句點。 對組織而言,只有一名盡享光環的領導人還不夠,只有一名實力雄厚的接班候選人也不夠,必須要有源源不絕的人才庫,組織才能永續發展,人才的培養是一場長期的耐力賽。 最好的例子就是奇異公司。奇異前董事長兼執行長威爾許(Welch)已成業界一則傳奇,在他的炫目光彩下,最大的陰影和壓力就落在接他位子的伊梅特(Immelt)身上。不過令人驚豔的是,伊梅特確實走出了自己的路,他強調的「有機成長」(organic growth,而非靠併購來成長)、營收成長(而不只是獲利和市占率的成長)、創新、企業與環境共榮等等,把奇異帶到一個不同於威爾許治下的新境界。沒有威爾許的奇異,照樣發光發熱,這不僅是伊梅特的成功,也是奇異作為一個組織的成功之處。 本期〈擦亮「領導力」品牌〉一文,就是討論組織如何培養源源不絕的領導人才,建立組織在「領導力」方面的品牌,才不會因為某一位領導人個人的去留或成敗,而影響了整個組織。 對家族企業而言,培養接班人更是重要課題,本期首次推出的本土化個案〈家族企業繼位戰〉,由本刊主編鄧嘉玲執筆改寫,就是有關一個家族企業在執行長突然過世時引發的大位爭奪戰。除了四位評論人之外,讀者也可以為他們想想,最適合的接班人是誰? 組織永續發展的另一個課題,是如何持續成長。繼7月號探討企業永續發展的各個層面之後,本刊8月號把焦點鎖定在企業發展新事業的「有機成長」領域。〈另闢成長蹊徑〉一文說明企業若能以「平台」的觀點,而非「產品」的觀點來發展新事業,成功率比較高。〈創新進化論〉則告訴讀者,在市場發展的不同階段,新事業也有不同的焦點和做法。 本刊這次也特別邀請生產液晶電視的駿林科技公司執行長王以德,與台大EMBA執行長李吉仁教授進行「產學對談」,探討新事業如何走過市場的驚濤駭浪。駿林科技在王以德接手執行長後,從一家營業額不到一億元的公司,三年內成長為兩百億元,同時轉虧為盈,並且在美國市場打響自有品牌。駿林是傳統產業轉投資發展的新事業,本身也在高速成長的過程中,開始發展自己的新事業,他們的經驗值得探討。 組織培養人才和永續成長是一場長期的耐力賽,對個人而言,在職場上的奮鬥何嘗不是一場長期的耐力賽?如何自我培養,建立自己在職場上的核心能力或競爭力?〈後天天才製造法〉一文說明,各領域中的佼佼者都不是靠天才,而是憑藉後天持續努力和訓練,但努力是有方法的,文中會說明努力的方法是什麼。

The Virtual Manager Collection (3 Books) (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

Author : Harvard Business Review
Publisher : Harvard Business Press
Page : 432 pages
File Size : 44,5 Mb
Release : 2016-07-12
Category : Business & Economics
ISBN : 9781633692381

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The Virtual Manager Collection (3 Books) (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series) by Harvard Business Review Pdf

Today we have greater control over where and when we work. As our businesses spread across the world and technology makes it easy to do our jobs from anywhere there’s Wi-Fi, more of us have the option to go remote. But that doesn’t mean we’re good at it. Whether you’re calling in from a home office every day or one of your team members occasionally logs in from the quiet car on a train, distance can make collaboration more difficult. Remote work gives teams flexibility and options, but when you’re not face-to-face with colleagues, it’s difficult to set and manage expectations, deal with inevitable tech glitches, keep your people (and yourself) motivated and engaged, and infuse warmth and personality into the blunt communication tools you’re using. The Virtual Manager Collection gives you the solutions you need to be productive, whether you’re managing a team, a project, or just your own work. This specially priced three-volume set includes Virtual Collaboration, Running Virtual Meetings, and Leading Virtual Teams. Tips and strategies cover: • getting your technology up and running—and keeping it there • building and maintaining relationships from afar • communicating well through a variety of media • running productive virtual meetings • setting and managing expectations for your work • leading geographically dispersed teams This set has the practical advice, insights, and tools you need to work well, no matter where you are. Don’t have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR’s 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic. Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives-from the most trusted source in business. Also available as an ebook.

Fashion Management

Author : Rosemary Varley,Ana Roncha,Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas,Liz Gee
Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing
Page : 359 pages
File Size : 48,7 Mb
Release : 2018-10-30
Category : Business & Economics
ISBN : 9781350315792

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Fashion Management by Rosemary Varley,Ana Roncha,Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas,Liz Gee Pdf

This new textbook, authored by a team of expert researchers and lecturers based at the London College of Fashion, is one of the first in the field to examine strategic management in the context of the fashion industry, catering specifically for students hoping to work in the sector. International in approach, the text covers all aspects of strategic management, from growth strategy and financial management to brand and supply chain management. Fashion Management's engaging style, page design and pedagogical framework makes it accessible to students at all levels, while the authors' extensive expertise ensures that the content is always underpinned by rigorous academic research. Established key topics and significant contemporary issues – such as sustainability, the digital, and corporate social responsibility – are considered from both a theoretical and practical perspective, with real-world examples drawn from high-profile, global fashion organisations. This is an ideal core textbook for those studying on undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in fashion management and fashion marketing. The book will also be an important supplementary resource for courses in marketing, retailing and business studies, with the fashion industry providing an effective context for students to engage with the application of theory.

Smart Citizens, Smarter State

Author : Beth Simone Noveck
Publisher : Harvard University Press
Page : 273 pages
File Size : 43,8 Mb
Release : 2015-11-02
Category : Political Science
ISBN : 9780674915459

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Smart Citizens, Smarter State by Beth Simone Noveck Pdf

Governments make too little use of the skills and experience of citizens. New tools—what Beth Simone Noveck calls technologies of expertise—are making it possible to match citizen expertise to the demand for it in government. She offers a vision of participatory democracy rooted not in voting or crowdsourcing but in people’s knowledge and know-how.

The End of Leadership as We Know It

Author : Steve Garcia,Dan Fisher
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
Page : 263 pages
File Size : 45,6 Mb
Release : 2023-07-24
Category : Business & Economics
ISBN : 9781394171781

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The End of Leadership as We Know It by Steve Garcia,Dan Fisher Pdf

Maximize your leadership impact with the latest insights and research from the field of adaptive leadership In The End of Leadership as We Know It, a team of veteran executive and leadership strategists delivers an expert analysis of the ten most common errors leaders make when attempting to address disruption and concrete strategies for avoiding them. In the book, you’ll find ways to apply the latest research in adaptive leadership and complexity to your own leadership style and achieve the impact you seek to have on your business, your followers, and yourself. The authors explain how to rethink the essence of leadership during times of flux and show you how to deal with unpredictable situations. You’ll also find: Ways to identify the devastating blind spots caused by current approaches to leadership Strategies for unleashing the creativity and potential of employees, rather than controlling them Tough-love feedback for contemporary leaders doing their best to deliver results in an increasingly uncertain and volatile business environment Full of creativity and inspirational energy, The End of Leadership as We Know It will benefit managers, executives, board members, business students and other current and aspiring business leaders.

The Strategic Marketing of Science, Technology, and Medical Journals

Author : Albert N. Greco
Publisher : Springer Nature
Page : 186 pages
File Size : 52,6 Mb
Release : 2023-06-30
Category : Business & Economics
ISBN : 9783031319648

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The Strategic Marketing of Science, Technology, and Medical Journals by Albert N. Greco Pdf

This book analyzes the various economic and marketing strategies utilized by the five major STM commercial scholarly journal publishers since 2000. This period has witnessed tremendous economic, marketing, and technological growth including the migration from a print only to a hybrid publishing format. With this growth, the industry has also seen the rise of open access publishing, copyright challenges by websites such as Sci-Hub, the emergence of sharing platforms such as ResearchGate and Academia.edu, as well as the impact of Plan S on publishers, universities, and authors. Given this incredible rate of change across the industry, the author explores the diverse strategies and structures created by the largest STm publishers to decipher their effectiveness in addressing technological, ethical, and copyright issues. Also, he examines how mergers and acquisitions diversified operations, such Elsevier's acquisition of Bepress, SSRN, and SCOPUS, among other platforms. Scrutinizing the different managerial, marketing, technology, and economic-financial strategies crafted by scholarly journal publishers between 2000-2020, this book offers a comprehensive assessment of the industry's attempts to identify, understand, cope with, and minimize or defeat the herculean threats to its business model.


Author : 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版
Publisher : 遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司
Page : 154 pages
File Size : 48,6 Mb
Release : 2007-01-01
Category : Electronic
ISBN : 8210379456XXX

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哈佛商業評論2007年1月號 by 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版 Pdf

眾所仰望 西元1588年,西班牙的無敵艦隊進逼英國,當時的英國只是一個二流國家。面對強敵來犯,伊莉莎白一世女王在提爾伯里港(Tilbury)的碼頭上對英軍發表演說,她堅定地說:「我來自你們之中??戰火方興的此刻,我決心與你們同生共死。為上帝和吾國吾民,獻上我的榮譽和鮮血。我知道我是個弱質女子,但是,我擁有王者的心胸氣肚,是英國國王的心胸氣肚!」這段蕩氣迴腸的話,為她的人、她的統治和她治下的王國,作了歷史定位。這段話也不斷迴盪在後來英國許多優秀領導人的話語中。 這是《哈佛商業評論》英文版元月號引用的一段歷史故事,這段故事說明了領導人的重要性,也點出本刊元月號特別製作「領導人的試煉」專刊的精義。 科技和文明的進步大幅拓展了人類的知識和視野,但是我們卻似乎更難掌握未來,有太多複雜多變的因素形塑著我們的未來。「預測未來最好的方法,就是創造未來,」現代管理學之父彼得.杜拉克(Peter F. Drucker)說。 問題是,未來由誰來創造?如何創造?這些問題凸顯出領導人的重要性,無論各種形態的組織如何演變,都需要靠領導人指引方向,集眾人之力,朝未來邁進。 領導人的生涯不斷面對各種試煉,第一個最重大的試煉就是剛成為領導人的那一關。在企業裡,從一個優秀的個人,成為帶領一個團隊的領導人,其間的考驗並不在於擴大原有的能力,而是必須建立一組全新的能力。 面對這第一道重要關卡,有好多道試題要考。新秀領導人如何準備應試,其實有方法可循,本期專刊內容幾乎涵括領導人面對的所有挑戰,例如,剛剛才為領導人的「入學」考、如何聰明地冒險、如何從挫折中站起來、如何自我評估等等。 此外,還有企業領導人現身說法,包括八位國外企業和三位國內企業的領導人,分享他們在工作生涯中,形塑自身領導風格的關鍵時刻。 「必須靠天才或超人來管理的組織,是無法存活的。組織的設計,必須要讓凡夫俗子都能夠擔任領導人,在這些領導人的帶領之下,持續繁榮昌盛。」 這是杜拉克另一段發人深省的話。凡夫俗子如何成為優秀的領導人?希望本期雜誌對有志成為領導人、希望精進自身能力的現任領導人、希望培養接班人的資深領導人,都能有所助益。

Nimble, Focused, Feisty

Author : Sara Roberts
Publisher : BenBella Books
Page : 336 pages
File Size : 54,7 Mb
Release : 2016-08-16
Category : Business & Economics
ISBN : 9781942952145

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Nimble, Focused, Feisty by Sara Roberts Pdf

Leaders have talked about the importance of corporate culture for decades, but the success of iconic companies like GE, Apple, and Google shows how culture is a strategic lever that can be utilized for driving growth, change, and innovation. In this new age of globalization, rapid technology shifts, and constant disruption, the 21st century marketplace is more volatile and uncertain than ever. To thrive, businesses need a new kind of emphasis around culture. Sara Roberts, former CEO and founder of Roberts Golden and a seasoned executive consultant to dozens of Fortune 500 companies and CEOs, sees how flourishing companies—from established market leaders to the surprising upstarts—share three distinct attributes: Nimble: They are much faster and more agile than ordinary organizations Focused: They use their sense of purpose as a lens to understand and meet the needs of customers and markets Feisty: They play big and act bold to capitalize on advantages and out-muscle the competition For successful companies in this new era, culture is not about playing defense but about going on offense. It's purposely designed, leveraged, and honed to deliver value and drive growth. In Nimble, Focused, Feisty, Roberts provides not only a look into what these organizations are doing differently but also a blueprint and framework so your company can create a cultural strategy to thrive in the new era.

The Leader You Want to Be

Author : Amy Jen Su
Publisher : Harvard Business Press
Page : 154 pages
File Size : 45,5 Mb
Release : 2019-10-22
Category : Business & Economics
ISBN : 9781633695924

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The Leader You Want to Be by Amy Jen Su Pdf

You can be the leader you want to be--today and every day. Do you find yourself wishing you had more hours in the day? Do you want to do more, yet feel you just can't add another thing to your plate without being overwhelmed by stress or compromising your health, relationships, and integrity? No doubt, as a leader, there are some days when you feel the flow. You're able to make a difference and achieve big goals. You feel confident and energized. On days like this, you are your best self--the leader you want to be. But on other days, you go down a different, negative path, with pressures and doubts making you feel like a lesser version of yourself. How can you be the leader you want to be, every day? The answer is more than a time-management system or a silver-bullet solution for changing your routines. Leadership expert and coach Amy Jen Su's powerful new book helps readers discover that the answer lies within. By focusing in specific ways on five key leadership elements--Purpose, Process, People, Presence, and Peace--you can increase your time, capacity, energy, and ultimately your impact, with less stress and more equanimity. Drawing on rich and instructive stories of clients, leaders, artists, and athletes, as well as on research by experts, the author brings together the best of both Western management thinking and Eastern philosophy to provide a holistic yet hands-on approach. The Leader You Want to Be is your indispensable guide to tapping into and expanding your leadership capacity so that you can be your best, sustain yourself, and thrive as a leader.

The Connect the Dots Series 3-Book Bundle

Author : David Silverstein
Publisher : Breakthrough Performance Press
Page : 174 pages
File Size : 50,9 Mb
Release : 2014-12-02
Category : Electronic
ISBN : 8210379456XXX

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The Connect the Dots Series 3-Book Bundle by David Silverstein Pdf

This three-book bundle includes these top-rated books from David Silverstein’s Connect the Dots Series. Book 1: What's Good for the Goose Could Cook the Gander Management and innovation expert David Silverstein investigates what's worked and what hasn't when it comes to best practices. Accompanied by business leaders Tom and Sharon, the three explore real-world examples, looking at organizations such as Google, Cisco, USAA, and the US Marine Corps, and they walk away with a list of ten characteristics of a winning best practice. In “What's Good for the Goose Could Cook the Gander,” you'll discover how to: • Tell a best practice from a one-trick pony • Look for best practices that work for your organization • Take what works for you and leave the rest behind • Stay ahead of your competitors Book 2: One Dot, Two Dots, Get Some New Dots Management and innovation expert David Silverstein explores why collecting the dots, the information that is all around us, is key to solving problems and developing innovative strategies and breakthrough ideas. Through real-world examples of some of today's leading companies, you will see how dot collection can lead you to be more creative and stay ahead of your competitors. In "One Dot, Two Dots, Get Some New Dots," you will discover: • Why collecting lots of information is so important • How to accelerate your learning and creativity • 12 techniques for becoming an expert dot collector Book 3: Become an Elite Mental AthleteWe train our physical bodies to excel at physical tasks. Why not train our minds to excel at mental tasks? Through the latest research in cognitive science and neuroscience, management and innovation expert David Silverstein explores how the brain's systems interconnect and how you can commit to building your brain and improving your mental game. In “Become an Elite Mental Athlete,” you'll discover: • What you need to put into your body to build your brain • Ways to increase your stamina and cure mental fatigue • How to spot and avoid common decision-making traps • How to train your memory and tighten your attention

Become an Elite Mental Athlete

Author : David Silverstein
Publisher : BMGI Corporation
Page : 82 pages
File Size : 50,8 Mb
Release : 2013-09-04
Category : Business & Economics
ISBN : 9781938353031

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Become an Elite Mental Athlete by David Silverstein Pdf

We train our physical bodies to excel at physical tasks. Why not train our minds to excel at mental tasks? Through the latest research in cognitive science and neuroscience, management and innovation expert David Silverstein explores how the brain’s systems interconnect and how you can commit to building your brain and improving your mental game. In Become an Elite Mental Athlete, you’ll discover: what you need to put into your body to build your brain, ways to increase your stamina and cure mental fatigue, how to spot and avoid common decision-making traps, and how to train your memory and tighten your attention.


Author : 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版
Publisher : 遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司
Page : 152 pages
File Size : 40,9 Mb
Release : 2007-04-01
Category : Electronic
ISBN : 8210379456XXX

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哈佛商業評論2007年4月號 by 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版 Pdf

讓執行力追上企圖心 今年,全球第一輛油電混合車豐田Prius正好滿十歲。十年前看來,推出Prius是創舉,也是傻勁——真的有市場嗎?但現在看起來,那是遠見。 豐田今年可望追過通用汽車公司,躍居全球最大汽車公司,Prius是豐田在全球市場攻城略地的新興利器之一。尤其在全球環保意識高漲的今日,歐美各國近日陸續祭出更嚴格的環保標準,當年豐田排除萬難推出Prius,的確是高瞻遠矚。 豐田十年耕耘,現在才逐漸開始收穫。任何一個企業面臨豐田在十年前的抉擇時,該如何判斷?沒有核心事業可以永遠持續,但是轉變太早或太晚,對企業都不利。尤其在面對關係企業命脈的核心事業是否該轉變的難題時,更須仔細斟酌。 本期〈發現下一桶金〉一文中,作者克利斯.祖克(Chris Zook)根據多年研究,提出一張「核心事業問診單」,幫助企業界判斷核心事業是否到了該調整的時候。他更進一步告訴讀者,如果核心事業必須改變,又該如何改變。而且根據他的研究,其實改變可以不假外求,往往是遭受冷落已久的一些技術或能力,正是公司創造新價值的希望之所寄。 企業無論是調整核心事業,或者推動其他方案,「執行力」絕對是成敗的重要關鍵。本期另外兩篇文章告訴讀者執行力的關鍵,〈承諾保證班〉指出該如何讓企業內外的所有關係人都切實履行他們作出的承諾,〈執行力欲速則不達?〉則告訴讀者,在「行」之前如何好好「思」,才能確保執行的成果。 曾經以《執行力》一書在台灣和全球掀起旋風的賴利.包熙迪(Larry Bossidy)這次為本刊所寫的〈執行長的最佳執行者〉一文,不直接談執行力,而是從領導來談執行。他根據自己多年擔任企業高階主管的經驗指出,上司對部屬應建立哪些期望,部屬又應對上司建立什麼期待,如果雙方都能做到彼此的期許,公司的績效和成長就非難事。 在編輯部準備本期文章時,國內陸續爆發企業主管涉嫌內線交易,更顯出〈奇異讓操守有利可圖〉一文的參考價值。這篇文章的作者班.海涅曼(Ben W. Heineman, Jr.)曾經長期負責奇異公司的法務部門,目前任教哈佛法學院,他以自身經驗告訴讀者,即使是員工數千人的大型跨國企業,也能兼顧操守和競爭力。 另一篇值得國內企業參考的文章是〈誰把人才併掉了?〉,談的是企業在併購時,如何留住人才。多年來,台灣的企業進行較大規模併購,尤其是海外併購時,多以失敗收場,明基電通併購西門子手機部門失敗,只是近期較知名的例子之一。許多企業在規畫併購案時,往往只著眼於財務,或者是通路、業務、技術等,卻忽略很重要的一個關鍵,那就是如何留住人才(尤其技術也是跟著人才走的)。企業在併購時,如何讓雙方的企業文化和組織架構順利整合,如何留住企業需要的人才,這篇文章提出很具體的建議,讓企業不致因為執行力追不上企圖心而被拋出競爭場域。 時代多變,企業也必須跟著變,如何抓準變的時機,如何找到變的方法,如何確保變的成效,希望本期內容能夠提供一些解答。