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Funny Story
The Women
Apples Never Fall
A Calamity of Souls
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Magic Hour
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Lost Birds
Romancing Mister Bridgerton
How to Raise an Intuitive Eater

How to Raise an Intuitive Eater

With the wisdom of Intuitive Eating, a manifesto for parents to help them reject diet culture and raise the next generation to have a healthy relationship with food and their ...

Childhood and Youth in India

Childhood and Youth in India

This edited volume advances the conceptual framework of the 'everyday urban' to unpack the ways in which processes of modernity in India shape young subjects and, in so doing, centers ...

Risky Play

Risky Play

This open access book brings together current childhood research and contemporary ethical theory to draw attention to how children depend upon a scope of action for risky play for their ...

The Fast Track Program for Children at Risk

The Fast Track Program for Children at Risk

"The authors conducted a prevention program called Fast Track, consisting of multicomponent, home-school prevention activities carried out with at-risk children from first to 10th grades over a 10-year period, to ...

Infected Kin

Infected Kin

AIDS has devastated communities across southern Africa. In Lesotho, a quarter of adults are infected. In Infected Kin, Block and McGrath argue that AIDS is fundamentally a kinship disease, examining ...

Effective Universal Instruction

Effective Universal Instruction

This accessible volume helps school leadership teams accomplish the crucial yet often overlooked task of improving universal instruction--Tier 1 within a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS). Strong universal instruction reduces the ...