Practical Guide To Smart Contracts And Blockchain Law

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A Practical Guide to Smart Contracts and the Law

Author : Lizzie Williams
Publisher : Law Brief Publishing
Page : 0 pages
File Size : 45,5 Mb
Release : 2023-02-28
Category : Electronic
ISBN : 1914608445

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A Practical Guide to Smart Contracts and the Law by Lizzie Williams Pdf

This book is a practical guide for any lawyer navigating contracts on the blockchain. It covers a wide range of contractual issues in the context of smart contracts, from formation, to breach, to termination. It includes contract drafting tips to reduce interpretation issues, insights on resolving disputes and enforcing remedies, as well as an overview of the key caselaw. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Lizzie Williams is a solicitor advocate at Harbottle & Lewis with extensive experience of litigation and arbitration from the pre-action stage to trial, including urgent injunctions, appeals, group litigation, mediation and settlement negotiations. Lizzie has a particular interest in disputes relating to innovative technologies and digital transformation, including disputes involving traditional IT contracts (e.g. software development, outsourcing, licensing), disputes involving blockchain technology (e.g. NFTs, crypto fraud) and contractual disputes for technology businesses. CONTENTS Chapter One - Introduction Chapter Two - What Is a Smart Contract? Chapter Three - What Is a Smart Legal Contract? Chapter Four - Formation Chapter Five - Mistake Chapter Six - Misrepresentation Chapter Seven - Terms Chapter Eight - Discharge & Remedies Chapter Nine - Dispute Resolution Chapter Ten - Overarching Considerations

A Practical Guide to Web3, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Law

Author : Aaron Grinhaus
Publisher : Unknown
Page : 0 pages
File Size : 54,6 Mb
Release : 2024
Category : Blockchains (Databases)
ISBN : 0433530553

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A Practical Guide to Web3, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Law by Aaron Grinhaus Pdf

"A Practical Guide to Web3, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Law is an essential handbook for lawyers, accountants, academics, business people, and others operating in the Blockchain space. This third edition of one of the first Blockchain law textbooks in the world effectively shines a light on what people perceive to be a “gray area” in the law by addressing a broad range of topics, including securities, tax, business structuring, proceeds of crime and anti-money laundering, smart contracts, estate issues, and much more. Each chapter of the book is written by a professional at the forefront of the world’s legal, accounting, and academic Blockchain community. The analysis of this evolving area of law is thus approached through an interdisciplinary lens that provides a practical and holistic view of how emerging advances in Web3, Blockchain, and Metaverse law interact within new and existing legal frameworks."--

Blockchain: A Practical Guide to Developing Business, Law, and Technology Solutions

Author : Joseph J. Bambara,Paul R. Allen,Kedar Iyer,Rene Madsen,Solomon Lederer,Michael Wuehler
Publisher : McGraw Hill Professional
Page : 302 pages
File Size : 52,6 Mb
Release : 2018-02-16
Category : Computers
ISBN : 9781260115864

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Blockchain: A Practical Guide to Developing Business, Law, and Technology Solutions by Joseph J. Bambara,Paul R. Allen,Kedar Iyer,Rene Madsen,Solomon Lederer,Michael Wuehler Pdf

Develop, validate, and deploy powerful decentralized applications using blockchain Get the most out of cutting-edge blockchain technology using the hands-on information contained in this comprehensive resource. Written by a team of technology and legal experts, Blockchain: A Practical Guide to Developing Business, Law, and Technology Solutions demonstrates each topic through a start-to-finish, illustrated case study. The book includes financial, technology, governance, and legal use cases along with advantages and challenges. Validation, implementation, troubleshooting, and best practices are fully covered. You will learn, step-by-step, how to build and maintain effective, reliable, and transparent blockchain solutions. •Understand the fundamentals of decentralized computing and blockchain•Explore business, technology, governance, and legal use cases•Review the evolving practice of law and technology as it concerns legal and governance issues arising from blockchain implementation•Write and administer performant blockchain-enabled applications•Handle cryptographic validation in private, public, and consortium blockchains•Employ blockchain in cloud deployments and Internet of Things (IoT) devices•Incorporate Web 3.0 features with Swarm, IPFS, Storj, Golem, and WHISPER•Use Solidity to build and validate fully functional distributed applications and smart contracts using Ethereum•See how blockchain is used in crypto-currency, including Bitcoin and Ethereum•Overcome technical hurdles and secure your decentralized IT platform

Handbook of Blockchain Law

Author : Matthias Artzt,Thomas Richter
Publisher : Kluwer Law International B.V.
Page : 342 pages
File Size : 50,7 Mb
Release : 2020-07-16
Category : Law
ISBN : 9789403518152

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Handbook of Blockchain Law by Matthias Artzt,Thomas Richter Pdf

Blockchain has become attractive to companies and governments because it promises to solve the age-old problem of mutability in transactions - that is, it makes falsification and recalculation impossible once a transaction has been committed to the technology. However, the perceived complexity of implementing Blockchain calls for an in-depth overview of its key features and functionalities, specifically in a legal context. The systematic and comprehensive approach set forth in this indispensable book, including coverage of existing relevant law in various jurisdictions and practical guidance on how to tackle legal issues raised by the use of Blockchain, ensures a one-stop-shop reference book for anyone considering Blockchain-based solutions or rendering advice with respect to them. Within a clear structure by fields of law allowing for a systematic approach, each contributor - all of them are practitioners experienced with Blockchain projects within their respective areas of expertise - elucidates the implications of Blockchain technology and related legal issues under such headings as the following: technical explanation of Blockchain technology; contract law; regulatory issues and existing regulation in a variety of jurisdictions; data protection and privacy; capital markets; information security; patents and other intellectual property considerations; and antitrust law. Keeping the legal questions and concepts sufficiently generic so that lawyers can benefit from the handbook irrespective of their jurisdiction and legal background, the authors cover such specific characteristics of Blockchain implementation as so-called smart contracts, tokenization, distributed ledger technology, digital securities, recognition of code as law, data privacy challenges and Blockchain joint ventures. Because Blockchain is a relatively new technology still in process and raises a multitude of legal questions, this well-balanced introduction - at a depth that allows non-IT experts to understand the groundwork for legal assessments - provides a solid basis for organizations and their legal advisors in identifying and resolving Blockchain-related issues. Legal practitioners, in-house lawyers, IT professionals and advisors, consultancy firms, Blockchain associations and legal scholars will welcome this highly informative and practical book.

Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum

Author : Akhil Mittal
Publisher : BPB Publications
Page : 170 pages
File Size : 51,9 Mb
Release : 2020-05-23
Category : Computers
ISBN : 9789388511919

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Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum by Akhil Mittal Pdf

Create, develop and deploy a Smart Contract with ease KEY FEATURES áÊ Familiarize yourself with Blockchain terminology and its concepts áÊ Understand and implement the Cryptography basic principles áÊ Understand the life cycle of an Ethereum TransactionÊ áÊ Explore and work with Dapps on Ethereum. áÊ A practical guide that will teach you to create and deploy Smart Contracts with Solidity Ê DESCRIPTION The book covers the fundamentals of Blockchain in detail and shows how to create a Smart Contract with ease. This book is both for novices and advanced readers who want to revisit the Smart Contract development process.Ê Ê The book starts by introduces Blockchain, its terminology, its workflow, and cryptographic principles. You will get familiar with the basics of Ethereum and some Distributed apps available on Ethereum. Furthermore, you will learn to set-up Ethereum Blockchain on Azure. Then you will learn how to create, develop, and deploy a smart contract on Ethereum. Towards the end, you will understand what Blockchain uses and advantages in the real-world scenario.Ê Ê WHAT WILL YOU LEARN áÊ Get familiar with the basics of Blockchain and Bitcoin áÊ Setup a development environment for programming Smart Contracts áÊ Learn how to set up an Ethereum Blockchain on Azure áÊ Understand the basics of Solidity, an object-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts áÊ Learn how to test and deploy a smart contract Ê WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR This book is for Developers, Architects, and Software/Technology Enthusiasts who are interested in Blockchain, Ethereum, and Smart Contracts. It is also for Developers who want to build a Blockchain-basedÊ DApps on Ethereum Network. It is for everyone who is learning Solidity and is looking to create and integrate Blockchain into their project. ÊÊ TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: What is Blockchain and how does it work?ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 1. Blockchain Ð The Concept 2. Blockchain Ð Cryptographic Principles Section 2: Ethereum and DAAPSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 1. Distributed ApplicationsÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 2. Setting up Ethereum Blockchain on Azure Section 3: Smart Contracts DevelopmentÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 1. Setting up an Environment for Smart Contracts Development 2. Programming Smart Contracts Section 4: Blockchain in Real WorldÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 1. Blockchain-Offerings and Usages

The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms

Author : Larry A. DiMatteo,Michel Cannarsa,Cristina Poncib-
Publisher : Cambridge University Press
Page : 500 pages
File Size : 55,5 Mb
Release : 2019-10-31
Category : Law
ISBN : 1108492568

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The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms by Larry A. DiMatteo,Michel Cannarsa,Cristina Poncib- Pdf

The product of a unique collaboration between academic scholars, legal practitioners, and technology experts, this Handbook is the first of its kind to analyze the ongoing evolution of smart contracts, based upon blockchain technology, from the perspective of existing legal frameworks - namely, contract law. The book's coverage ranges across many areas of smart contracts and electronic or digital platforms to illuminate the impact of new, and often disruptive, technologies on the law. With a mix of scholarly commentary and practical application, chapter authors provide expert insights on the core issues involving the use of smart contracts, concluding that smart contracts cannot supplant contract law and the courts, but leaving open the question of whether there is a need for specialized regulations to prevent abuse. This book should be read by anyone interested in the disruptive effect of new technologies on the law generally, and contract law in particular.

The Executive Guide to Blockchain

Author : Maria Grazia Vigliotti,Haydn Jones
Publisher : Springer Nature
Page : 210 pages
File Size : 44,6 Mb
Release : 2020-02-25
Category : Business & Economics
ISBN : 9783030211073

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The Executive Guide to Blockchain by Maria Grazia Vigliotti,Haydn Jones Pdf

Keeping up with fast evolving technology is a challenge that every business leader faces. As organisations start to wake up to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it’s becoming more important than ever to be able to utilise and exploit new digital platforms. With the simple aim of demystifying blockchain for business leaders, The Executive Guide to Blockchain offers a jargon-free explanation and framework to better understand blockchain technologies and their impact on organizations. Enabling any business leader with or without specific computing knowledge to reap the benefits of blockchain whilst understanding the limitations, this book will empower you to: Identify opportunities for blockchain in your own business sectors Understand smart contracts and their relationship with the law Create a blockchain strategy and business case Implement blockchain technologies and maximise their potential. Written by experts in non-technical language, this practical resource can be applied to any industry, and arm you with the knowledge needed to capture the possibilities of digital business.

Legal Tech, Smart Contracts and Blockchain

Author : Marcelo Corrales,Mark Fenwick,Helena Haapio
Publisher : Springer
Page : 276 pages
File Size : 54,7 Mb
Release : 2019-02-07
Category : Law
ISBN : 9789811360862

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Legal Tech, Smart Contracts and Blockchain by Marcelo Corrales,Mark Fenwick,Helena Haapio Pdf

There is a broad consensus amongst law firms and in-house legal departments that next generation “Legal Tech” – particularly in the form of Blockchain-based technologies and Smart Contracts – will have a profound impact on the future operations of all legal service providers. Legal Tech startups are already revolutionizing the legal industry by increasing the speed and efficiency of traditional legal services or replacing them altogether with new technologies. This on-going process of disruption within the legal profession offers significant opportunities for all business. However, it also poses a number of challenges for practitioners, trade associations, technology vendors, and regulators who often struggle to keep up with the technologies, resulting in a widening regulatory “gap.” Many uncertainties remain regarding the scope, direction, and effects of these new technologies and their integration with existing practices and legacy systems. Adding to the challenges is the growing need for easy-to-use contracting solutions, on the one hand, and for protecting the users of such solutions, on the other. To respond to the challenges and to provide better legal communications, systems, and services Legal Tech scholars and practitioners have found allies in the emerging field of Legal Design. This collection brings together leading scholars and practitioners working on these issues from diverse jurisdictions. The aim is to introduce Blockchain and Smart Contract technologies, and to examine their on-going impact on the legal profession, business and regulators.

Build Your Own Blockchain

Author : Daniel Hellwig,Goran Karlic,Arnd Huchzermeier
Publisher : Springer Nature
Page : 194 pages
File Size : 53,6 Mb
Release : 2020-05-02
Category : Business & Economics
ISBN : 9783030401429

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Build Your Own Blockchain by Daniel Hellwig,Goran Karlic,Arnd Huchzermeier Pdf

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to blockchain and distributed ledger technology. Intended as an applied guide for hands-on practitioners, the book includes detailed examples and in-depth explanations of how to build and run a blockchain from scratch. Through its conceptual background and hands-on exercises, this book allows students, teachers and crypto enthusiasts to launch their first blockchain while assuming prior knowledge of the underlying technology. How do I build a blockchain? How do I mint a cryptocurrency? How do I write a smart contract? How do I launch an initial coin offering (ICO)? These are some of questions this book answers. Starting by outlining the beginnings and development of early cryptocurrencies, it provides the conceptual foundations required to engineer secure software that interacts with both public and private ledgers. The topics covered include consensus algorithms, mining and decentralization, and many more. “This is a one-of-a-kind book on Blockchain technology. The authors achieved the perfect balance between the breadth of topics and the depth of technical discussion. But the real gem is the set of carefully curated hands-on exercises that guide the reader through the process of building a Blockchain right from Chapter 1.” Volodymyr Babich, Professor of Operations and Information Management, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University "An excellent introduction of DLT technology for a non-technical audience. The book is replete with examples and exercises, which greatly facilitate the learning of the underlying processes of blockchain technology for all, from students to entrepreneurs.” Serguei Netessine, Dhirubhai Ambani Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania "Whether you want to start from scratch or deepen your blockchain knowledge about the latest developments, this book is an essential reference. Through clear explanations and practical code examples, the authors take you on a progressive journey to discover the technology foundations and build your own blockchain. From an operations perspective, you can learn the principles behind the distributed ledger technology relevant for transitioning towards blockchain-enabled supply chains. Reading this book, you'll get inspired, be able to assess the applicability of blockchain to supply chain operations, and learn from best practices recognized in real-world examples." Ralf W. Seifert, Professor of Technology and Operations Management at EPFL and Professor of Operations Management at IMD

Blockchain for Business

Author : Yannis Kalfoglou
Publisher : Routledge
Page : 136 pages
File Size : 44,7 Mb
Release : 2021-07-19
Category : Business & Economics
ISBN : 9781000404128

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Blockchain for Business by Yannis Kalfoglou Pdf

This book sets out to explain blockchain for the non-technical expert, to decipher the dense technicalities that dominate the field and to present the opportunities for busy professionals using practical applications and case studies. Presented in a clear and structured way and with documented real-world cases, the book is a practical reference guide that can be used across different industries. It offers both a constructive and critical review of the pain points blockchain is facing today, illustrates the pitfalls as well as the opportunities for business and describes the steps towards overcoming them. It also aims to provide a unique view of both the intersection and synergy of blockchain with other emerging technologies and the wider digital ecosystem, as we see increasingly that blockchain alone won’t be able to deliver business solutions. Most important, the book identifies trends and a path for the future of blockchain and its impact on society as a whole. The book is written for business audiences across all sectors. It is not a technical guide to blockchain, but it enables businesspeople to be better informed and prepared to plan ahead and develop strategies using blockchain.

Smart Legal Contracts

Author : Jason Allen
Publisher : Oxford University Press
Page : 529 pages
File Size : 48,5 Mb
Release : 2022-04-28
Category : Contracts
ISBN : 9780192858467

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Smart Legal Contracts by Jason Allen Pdf

Smart Legal Contracts: Computable Law in Theory and Practice is a landmark investigation into one of the most important trends at the interface of law and technology: the effort to harness emerging digital technologies to change the way that parties form and perform contracts. While developments in distributed ledger technology have brought the topic of 'smart contracts' into the mainstream of legal attention, this volume takes a broader approach to ask how computers can be used in the contracting process. This book assesses how contractual promises are expressed in software and how code-based artefacts can be incorporated within more conventional legal structures. With incisive contributions from members of the judiciary, legal scholars, practitioners, and computer scientists, this book sets out to frame the borders of an emerging area of law and start a more productive dialogue between the various disciplines involved in the evolution of contracts as software. It provides the first step towards a more disciplined approach to computational contracts that avoids the techno-legal ambiguities of 'smart contracts' and reveals an emerging taxonomy of approaches to encoding contracts in whole or in part. Conceived and written during a time when major legal systems began to engage with the advent of contracts in computable form, and aimed at a fundamental level of enquiry, this collection will provide essential insight into future trends and will provide a point of orientation for future scholarship and innovation.

Mastering Ethereum

Author : Andreas M. Antonopoulos,Gavin Wood Ph.D.
Publisher : O'Reilly Media
Page : 424 pages
File Size : 45,7 Mb
Release : 2018-11-13
Category : Computers
ISBN : 9781491971918

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Mastering Ethereum by Andreas M. Antonopoulos,Gavin Wood Ph.D. Pdf

Ethereum represents the gateway to a worldwide, decentralized computing paradigm. This platform enables you to run decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts that have no central points of failure or control, integrate with a payment network, and operate on an open blockchain. With this practical guide, Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Gavin Wood provide everything you need to know about building smart contracts and DApps on Ethereum and other virtual-machine blockchains. Discover why IBM, Microsoft, NASDAQ, and hundreds of other organizations are experimenting with Ethereum. This essential guide shows you how to develop the skills necessary to be an innovator in this growing and exciting new industry. Run an Ethereum client, create and transmit basic transactions, and program smart contracts Learn the essentials of public key cryptography, hashes, and digital signatures Understand how "wallets" hold digital keys that control funds and smart contracts Interact with Ethereum clients programmatically using JavaScript libraries and Remote Procedure Call interfaces Learn security best practices, design patterns, and anti-patterns with real-world examples Create tokens that represent assets, shares, votes, or access control rights Build decentralized applications using multiple peer-to-peer (P2P) components

The Blockchain

Author : Shawn S. Amuial,Josias N. Dewey,Jeffrey R. Seul
Publisher : Unknown
Page : 248 pages
File Size : 50,7 Mb
Release : 2016
Category : Bitcoin
ISBN : 0314876111

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The Blockchain by Shawn S. Amuial,Josias N. Dewey,Jeffrey R. Seul Pdf

Hands-On Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum

Author : Kevin Solorio,Randall Kanna,David H. Hoover
Publisher : O'Reilly Media
Page : 270 pages
File Size : 53,9 Mb
Release : 2019-11-25
Category : Computers
ISBN : 9781492045236

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Hands-On Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum by Kevin Solorio,Randall Kanna,David H. Hoover Pdf

Ready to dive into smart contract development for the blockchain? With this practical guide, experienced engineers and beginners alike will quickly learn the entire process for building smart contracts for Ethereum—the open source blockchain-based distributed computing platform. You’llget up to speed with the fundamentals and quickly move into builder mode. Kevin Solorio, Randall Kanna, and Dave Hoover show you how to create and test your own smart contract, create a frontend for users to interact with, and more. It’s the perfect resource for people who want to break into the smart contract field but don’t know where to start. In four parts, this book helps you: Explore smart contract fundamentals, including the Ethereum protocol, Solidity programming language, and the Ethereum Virtual Machine Dive into smart contract development using Solidity and gain experience with Truffle framework tools for deploying and testing your contracts Use Web3 to connect your smart contracts to an applicationso users can easily interact with the blockchain Examine smart contract security along with free online resources for smart contract security auditing